Home How to Install Jekyll on Windows

How to Install Jekyll on Windows

This is my rendition of the already easy-to-follow installation process. The complete installation process is here. I just removed some of the filler.

  1. Download and install a Ruby+Devkit 3.2.1 or higher. Use default options for installation.

  2. Run the ridk install step on the last stage of the installation wizard.

  3. Open the start menu and search “Start Command Prompt with Ruby” so that changes to the PATH changes go into effect. Install Jekyll and Bundler using gem

C:\Users\YOUR_NAME> gem install jekyll

after it has completed running check it has been properly installed

C:\Users\YOUR_NAME> jekyll -v

if sucessful, then run

C:\Users\YOUR_NAME> gem install bundler

after it has completed running check it has been properly installed

C:\Users\YOUR_NAME> bundler -v

You must restart your computer to perform terminal commands through VSCode, or any other text editor, with your updated PATH, such as running your Jekyll website on your local machine bundle exec jekyll serve.

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