View Set Mismatch on LeetCode
Time Complexity
O(n) - The list is iterated through when creating the set, resulting in the O(n) time complexity.
Space Complexity
O(n) - The computer must have enough memory to temporarily hold the set representation of the list, even if it is only used for under a second, resulting in the O(n) space complexity.
Runtime Beats
97.59% of other submissions
Memory Beats
56.96% of other sumbissions
The program calculates the correct_sum
of nums using the series sum formula. Using the correct result of the nums list allows for a straightforward calculation of the repeating and missing numbers.
Repeated number - sum(nums) - set_sum
, this calculation returns the repeated number because converting the list to a set eliminates the duplicate making the difference the repeated number.
Missing number - correct_sum - set_sum
, since the repeated number does not contribute to finding the missing number, set_sum
is used, making the difference the missing number.
Data Structure Used
Hash Table (Set) - An unordered container of non-repeating values.
Visual Examples
An array being transformed into a set, click to view
class Solution:
def findErrorNums(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
l = len(nums)
correct_sum = l * (l+1) // 2
set_sum = sum(set(nums))
return [sum(nums) - set_sum, correct_sum - set_sum]