Home Arranging Coins

Arranging Coins

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Time Spent Coding
5 minutes

Time Complexity
O(n log n) - The binary search algorithm takes O(n log n) time resulting in the O(n log n) time complexity.

Space Complexity
O(1) - The number of variables created is independent of n, resulting in the O(1) space complexity.


Before beginning our binary search, we must initialize our left and right variables with left, right = 0, n.

Once initialized, we will continue our search until our left variable exceeds our right or our first conditional statement is met.

We will declare and initialize mid inside the loop as the middle integer between the left and right variables. Then, we will calculate the appropriate series sum sum_s using the formula mid * (mid + 1) // 2. With these two variables declared, we can check if the sum is:

  • Equal to n (sum_s == n), return the midpoint as it is the total number of completed rows
  • Greater than or equal to n (sum_s >= n), we will assign right to the mid as binary search requires and increment it by one to avoid repeating the same mid value.
  • Else (if sum_s is less than n), we will assign left to the mid as binary search requires and decrement it by one to avoid repeating the same mid value.

If our left variable exceeds our right, we know that our mid value’s series sum sum_s has not achieved a perfect staircase, so our right value represents the appropriate number of completed rows.

Algorithm Description

Binary Search - A search algorithm that repeatedly halves the search interval until the target variable is found at the middle index.

Visual Examples
Binary search being performed on an array that contains the target, click to view

Binary search being performed on an array that does not contain the target, click to view


class Solution:
    def arrangeCoins(self, n: int) -> int:
        left, right = 0, n

        while left <= right:
            mid = (right + left) // 2

            sum_s = mid * (mid + 1) // 2
            if sum_s == n:  return mid
            if sum_s >= n:  right = mid - 1
            else:           left = mid + 1

        return right
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