Home Daily Temperatures

Daily Temperatures

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Time Complexity
O(n) - We must iterate through the temperatures list, resulting in the O(n) time complexity.

Space Complexity
O(n) - In the worst-case scenario, the numbers in the temperatures list decrease. Meaning, each element from temperatures would be in the stack, resulting in the O(n) space complexity.

Runtime Beats
97.62% of other submissions

Memory Beats
43.51% of other sumbissions


Before iterating through temperatures, we must initialize our result list (res) with all 0’s because this is our default value in the worst-case scenario. We must also declare our stack list. For this problem, our stack will store the index of temperatures that are less than what is inside of the stack, e.g., a stack of the indexes of temperatures in decreasing order measured by the temperatures at each index.

We begin iterating through the temperatures list using for i, t in enumerate(temperatures): this allows us to iterate through temperatures and access the index (i) and temperature (t) for each element.

During each iteration, we will check if the stack is non-empty. If so, then we will also check if the current temperature t is greater than the temperature at the index of the last element in the stack.

If both conditions are satisfied, we will continue to loop until they are not. While inside this loop, we will store the index of the temperature in stack_i by removing it from the stack and then altering the result list’s value at that index by taking the difference between the current index and the index of the new largest temperature. This “equation” allows us to determine how many indices it took from the poped temperature to a temperature larger than it.

Once we exit the while loop, we will append the current index to the stack.

We will return the result list once we exit the for loop.

Data Structure Used

Stack - A stack is similar to an array, except you are only allowed to push/pop (add/remove) from the end of the stack. A stack follows the first in, last out, or FILO theme.

Since Python already has O(1) push (append) and pop (pop) operations, we do not need to use any libraries.

Visual Examples Visual of a stack being mutated, click to view


class Solution:
    def dailyTemperatures(self, temperatures: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        res = [0] * len(temperatures)
        stack = []

        for i, t in enumerate(temperatures):
            while stack and t > temperatures[stack[-1]]:
                stack_i = stack.pop()
                res[stack_i] = (i - stack_i)


        return res
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