Titze's Learning Logs

Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I created a solution, although not optimal, and discovered how to achieve O(log n) time complexity. What Went W...

Rotting Oranges

Links Go to the solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew a deque was needed to accurately increment the minutes meaning breadth-first search was required. What ...

Truncate Sentence

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I have encountered a very similar problem to this one and knew how to solve it instantly. Comments All the subm...

Concatenation of Array

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What I Learned I refreshed my memory on a list method I had not used in a long time. Comments I forgot this method existed sin...

Number of Islands

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I recognized that I needed to use depth-first search and how to approach the problem. What I Learned I got more...

Validate Binary Search Tree

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I was able to complete the problem after a few different approaches. What Went Wrong I was having a hard time p...

Min Stack

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew that this problem required two stacks., one to act as the regular stack and then a min stack to abide by ...

Product of Array Except Self

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew I had to utilize dynamic programming and maintain a list or variable of the left and right products. Wha...

Coin Change

Links Go to the solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew the solution could not utilize a greedy algorithm, and we had to cache our result for each iteration. W...

Isomorphic Strings

Links Go to the solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew to use a different map for each string, but not in such a unique way. What Went Wrong I did not fully u...