Leet Code Learning Logs

Check If N and Its Double Exist

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well After a quite strange original solution, I came up with the most optimal solution. What Went Wrong Initially, I...

Left and Right Sum Differences

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I solved the question with very space-conscious answers and improved my time complexity by a substantial amount....

Course Schedule

Links Go to the solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I understood how to approach the problem and apply depth-first search to the hash map. What Went Wrong There w...

Number of Laser Beams in a Bank

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I did not overcomplicate the problem despite the description presenting the problem in a more difficult manner. ...


Links Go to the solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What I Learned I learned how to apply the two-pointer algorithm in a new way and use it in a more challenging problem. How I ...

Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew to use the two-pointer method because the list was sorted. What I Learned I further solidified the two-p...

Two Sum

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What I Learned I learned how to complete the two sum question with the best time and space complexity. Comments Unfortunately,...

Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Links Go to the solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I had a great space complexity and solved the question quickly. What I Learned I learned the bisect library an...

Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I immediately knew how to implement the solution and optimized my code quickly. What Went Wrong I got stuck on ...

Clone Graph

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew the steps to take to solve the problem and how to implement it. What Went Wrong I did not properly under...