Leet Code Learning Logs

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I implemented my solution quickly and had a very good runtime, and after optimizing, I got an outstanding space ...

K Closest Points to Origin

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I recently learned about the “key = “ sorting feature and applied it to this problem to solve the question almos...

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I found a solution quickly and had a runtime similar to the optimal solution. What Went Wrong I was unable to f...

Apply Discount to Prices

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well Despite having issues with edge cases, I completed this question in a reasonable amount of time. What Went Wron...

01 Matrix

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode What Went Well I knew the algorithm which had to be used but forgot how to implement it. What I Learned I learned about the breadth-first s...

Diameter of Binary Tree

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I was able to undestand the problem and create a near functional program. What Went Wrong I could not figure ou...

Plus One

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well Surprisingly, my program was able to rank highly in solution statistics. What I Learned I learned multiple uniq...

Jewels and Stones

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode What I Learned I learned how to document time complexities involving more than one array appropriately. Comments Again LeetCode’s statistic...

Majority Element

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I solved the question quickly and created a more optimal solution, all in under 10 minutes. What I Learned I le...

Contains Duplicate

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I remembered sets and their properties. What I Learned I learned how to solve this problem using javascript to ...