Titze's Learning Logs

Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I was able to solve the problem much faster than I expected and recalled how to find ancestors. What Went Wrong...

Insert Interval

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I solved the problem, made my final code understandable, and devised an easier way to check each case. What Wen...

Middle of the Linked List

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I solved the problem quickly. What I Learned I came across a new algorithm that I had heard mentioned before bu...

Maximum Product Subarray

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well My experience with Kadane’s algorithm and it sharing similarities with this problem, I solved it quickly. What ...

Reverse Linked List

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I knew how to traverse a linked list and use its methods. I read the constraints and all the test cases before ...

Climbing Stairs

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I immediately realized that I had to be looking for a pattern and had to cache/track the results of each iterati...

Maximum Subarray

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well Since I had previously worked on this question before, I was able to solve it in just two minutes. What I Learn...

First Bad Version

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I quickly solved the question. Thanks to Thursday’s question, I identified the optimal solution while implementi...

Balanced Binary Tree

Links Go to my solution Go to the question on LeetCode My Thoughts What Went Well I remembered how to traverse trees and thought of the algorithm I would perform to get the solution quickly. I r...

How to Install Jekyll on Windows

This is my rendition of the already easy-to-follow installation process. The complete installation process is here. I just removed some of the filler. Download and install a Ruby+Devkit 3...